Helsinki is the capital city of Finland and renowned for being a great place to live. Helsinki has a great atmosphere, the streets are filled with people and performers and there is a lot to see. In early August, me and my SO planned a tourist trip to this gem of Finland. During our trip, …
Tag: slider
The Serlachius museum and awesome architecture
I visited the Serlachius museum today and was really taken by the beauty of the place. It was breathtaking! The museum is located in Mänttä-Vilppula, which prides itself being an art town. The town applied for the status of Europe Capital of Culture in 2011, but Turku received the honor (and boy that was one awesome year!). …
Color Film Frenzy
As you might have noticed, all of my film pictures have been black and white. This is mainly due to the fact that I am able to develop the B&W film myself. All color films I have to send to a store to get developed. During the spring I shot one roll of film in …
Yashica Samurai X3.0 Review
This is my first One Roll, One Camera review. The idea of these reviews is to take a film camera or an odd lens and shoot a roll of film with it and write a review about it. Most of my cameras are from the 80s or 90s and I will be going through them …