I’ve lived in my home town Akaa for almost a decade. Some years ago while walking in the neighbourhood, I noticed these two big houses which had their windows boarded shut and seemed totally abandoned. I have always been interested in local history and all things forgotten, so the houses piqued my interest. The houses …
Category: Digital
Winter contrast in my home town of Juankoski
Juankoski is a quiet little town deep in Finland’s heart. Last month the nearest city Kuopio saw 16,6 hours of daylight (and 703,4 hours of darkness or cloudy weather). Today we had a whole day of sun, meaning 4 hours of bright light. I grabbed my camera and headed out for a photography stroll. I …
Baby photoshoot #2 – Another attempt
About a month ago I posted an entry about my first baby photo shoot. I learned a lot during the first shoot and past week it was time to see how my second shoot would go.
11 episodes of my everyday life from a year back
Exactly a year ago, I started participating in “a week in a minute” video challenge. You are meant to shoot footage (nearly) every day and edit a minute-long video out of each week’s material. I did 11 episodes between 6th of April and 4th of July.
First baby photoshoot – lessons learned
Now I’ve done a photoshoot of a one year old toddler before, but none of a baby. About a month ago I did my first baby shoot of a half year old and her mother and here’s some of my experiences!
Tammerkoski rapids drained all out of water
There is a bridge construction site at a critical phase in Tampere and they had to drain Tammerkoski dry. I work near the rapids and when I approached the water during lunch hour, the smell instantly made me feel all summery.
My first real studio shoot
It’s been a while, I know, but I’m back. About two years ago I finally decided to delve into flash photography. I hadn’t really liked studio photography before, thinking it was too clinical and too artificial. But studio and flash work has its uses and actually I found myself liking the learning curve. I had …
Learning the Ropes of Street Photography
There is an easy way to shoot street photography and then there is the hard way. The easy way is taking candid shots of people and not asking for their permission. Did that last time. There are some moral considerations for publishing those pictures, especially if the subjects can be recognised from the shots. The …
Finnish town of Seinäjoki and its Tango festival
I visited Seinäjoki last week. Seinäjoki is a Finnish municipality located in southern Ostrobothnia. The whole time we were there, it was either cloudy or it rained. Bad weather kinda belongs to Finnish summer so I didn’t mind it.
The Serlachius museum and awesome architecture
I visited the Serlachius museum today and was really taken by the beauty of the place. It was breathtaking! The museum is located in Mänttä-Vilppula, which prides itself being an art town. The town applied for the status of Europe Capital of Culture in 2011, but Turku received the honor (and boy that was one awesome year!). …